www.hyper-mastic.eu – Facebook: Hyper-Mastic
Focusing on the study of the Greek nature, IASIS PHARMA is glad to announce the launch of HYPER-MASTIC, a scientific research project to be carried out in cooperation with a team of Academic and Corporate entities.
The project members are:
– IASIS PHARMA a pharmaceutical industry
– Chios Gum Mastic Growers Association L.L.C.
– Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University of Athens
– Department of Pharmacy, Sector of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural
Products, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA)
– Department of Biology, Sector of Cellular Biology and Biophysics, UOA
– Therapeutical Clinic of Medical School, UOA
The subject of HYPER-MASTIC is the research, development and commercialization of unique phytotherapeutic products with anti- hypertensive action. The products will be based in Chios Mastic, a well-established exclusively grown in Greece phytotherapeutic substance known since the ancient times registered in the EU as a Protected Designation of Origin Product.
Within the HYPER-MASTIC project, “green” technologies of extraction and isolation will be applied in order to identify Chios Mastic bioactive ingredients. Furthermore, new and innovative quality control methods will be established, to restrict the large-scale phenomena of Chios Mastic adulteration.
Ιt is anticipated that HYPER-MASTIC will facilitate the penetration of the Greek Pharmaceutical Industry in the global market of phytotherapeutics. This will be achieved through innovation, the incorporation of knowledge stemming from scientifically documented academical research, as well as the establishment of international cooperation networks. Finally, this scientific project aims to create new jobs, for the benefit of Chios Island local economy and the economy of Greece in general.