IASIS PHARMA expands its activities focusing on Greek nature, collaborating in the establishment of Natural Products Competence Center (NPCC). NPCC is a Collaborative Innovation Formation, with the participation of 15 partners from the academic and business sectors. The project is coordinated by the Laboratory for the Utilization of Bioactive Natural Products (Department of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).

The 15 partners involved are:

  • three universities and research institutions – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Thessaly and “Athena” Research Center.
  • Universities’ spin-off companies, PHARMAGNOSE and FOODOXYS
  • IASIS PHARMA, a pharmaceutical company active in the production, research & development, import, export and trade of pharmaceutical products, medical devices and cosmetics
  • KORRES, a company active in the production of natural cosmetic products
  • ATTICA, a company active in the development of new pharmaceutical products
  • Φ CHOICE, a company active in the production and distribution of food products
  • KYRGIANNIS and OIKAGRO, two companies that expertise in wine and vine subproducts
  • ANTISEL, a company active in scientific equipment distribution, technical support and applications
  • BIOHELLAS, which expertise in natural ingredients’ certifications
  • THELKA, an investment company
  • “Institute of Research and Innovation” research center

NPCC has multiple aims· on the one hand, the creation of a unique ecosystem in Greece, focused on the research and utilization of natural products originating purely from the Greek biodiversity. On the other hand, the NPCC’s recognition as an advanced Center for analysis of plant raw materials, extracts and final plant products with pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutritional value. As a research hub of excellence, NPCC aims to enhance Greece as a key player globally, regarding applied research on natural products. The employment of highly qualified staff, the continuous specialized training and education actions, as well as the use of state-of-the-art equipment, will decisively contribute to the consistency and reliability of NPCC’s operation.
